What is Kombucha?

Kombucha is a fizzy, fermented tea made up of simple, good-for-you ingredients. The drink has been enjoyed across different cultures and tribes for over 2,000 years, but it has seen a resurgence amongst modern day consumers.

Kombucha, or ‘Booch” as we like to call it, is made up of four simple ingredients:

1. Tea

2. Water

3. Sugar

4. Culture

Did we forget to mention time? 

But the key ingredient in creating Kombucha tea is 'S.C.O.B.Y'— the symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY) commonly known as the "mother." This Kombucha culture was often passed from family to family in rural areas from China to Japan as a part of tradition. We are personally incredibly grateful for this unique, symbiotic relationship as it is the foundation on which our entire business is built on. All About Kombucha strives to provide you lovely consumers across Ireland with flavoursome, refreshing drinks.

The culture, which admittedly, looks like a less-than-appetising jellyfish, transforms the sugar in the sweet tea into alcohol ,which is then turned into healthy acids, and the natural tart drink is created.

Kombucha is a refreshing ferment that can be enjoyed at any time of the day in replacement of sugar-laden soft drinks. Kombucha also hosts claims to numerous health benefits when drank consistently overtime; it has been known to boost energy, aid digestion, rebalance homeostasis and support healthy bacteria in the gut, to name a few. 

Since we acquired a liking for Kombucha ourselves, we have been fascinated by this fermented drink, and this 'fascination' has led us to build a business around producing and selling a product we continuously strive to be as healthy, universal, and sustainable as possible.